Urbandictory. You typed in Urban Dictionary's most popular definitions into Google in hope to find a list of the very best definitions there are on this site, and then saw this link and thought that it would take you to the golden list but it turned out to be another definition and now you're disappointed. Urbandictory

 You typed in Urban Dictionary's most popular definitions into Google in hope to find a list of the very best definitions there are on this site, and then saw this link and thought that it would take you to the golden list but it turned out to be another definition and now you're disappointedUrbandictory A munch is someone who’s only use is eating pussy without getting anything in return

9. You typed in Urban Dictionary's most popular definitions into Google in hope to find a list of the very best definitions there are on this site, and then saw this link and thought that it would take you to the golden list but it turned out to be another definition and now you're disappointed. "Did you guys see Saw? Yeah, I. urbandictory. The female genitals. Someone who is prone to A-Logging. No such thing as an ethnic chad or a female chad. © 1999-2023 Urban Dictionary ® ads; help; privacy; terms of service; dmca; accessibility statement; report a bug; information collection noticeUrban Dictionary is a crowdsourced online dictionary of slang words and phrases that was founded in 1999 as a parody of Dictionary. 1b: "Dog that bong is nice lets perkulate" ex. The effects of copium include, but are not limited to: extreme rationalizations for the defeat, outlandish theories of conspiracy supposedly perpetrated by the opposing side,. Bussy has been used for at least 15 years by gay men to describe their man hole of love! "Did you see him?, my bussy is wet!"In drug slang, a trip is a metaphor for the hallucinatory high produced by LSD, magic mushrooms, and other drugs. Get the urbandictionary mug. com by then-college freshman Aaron Peckham. More serious is the continued tradition of dictionary use in legal. comやVocabulary. 4) A slang term for the drug MDMA also known as ecstasy. A person who are having casual sex with on a regular basis, but are not involved in a romantic relationship with. She is a very nice, beautiful,sexy, intelligent (wild at times) girl with such beautiful eyes, sometimes a little shy but once you know her a lot more she can be crazy af ,a very hard worker person that never gives up in life & has been through so much in life but has. The latter usage is the original use as coined by rapper Lil B, and the word. A person that is being wack, sorry, or not cool. The Urban Dictionary is a crowdsourced website that records new words and their meanings. Paperback. urbandictionary. $14. A daily email sent to those on the Urban Dictionary newsletter mailing list. Get any Urban Dictionary word as a mug, t-shirt or sweatshirt. The crowdsourced slang dictionary that was a staple for 90s kids on the internet is having a moment in the spotlight again. Two Definitions 1) When a person entrusts ownership of an object unto another person and demands its partial or whole return of ownership thereafter. Urban Dictionary can be a resource for slang phrases that are not in traditional dictionaries. She's an asshole with a heart of gold. 2: "I'm funna perk wit dat bitch tonight. The opposite of Urban Dictionary Instead of slangs, it contains words we are too stupid to understand. iPad. isn't it. When someone says that they’re leaving and you could really give two shits less that they are. She's kind of a big deal. Also, if you invent a new word you can submit it yourself!Urban Dictionary is an important tool to understand what those words mean. . She isn't like basic girls who cry for no reason. The doctors who simply prescibe medicines instead of finding the real ailment. . Hannah is an amazing person, she is the strong type, who loves to protect her friends from being hurt. The stakes are increasing as well. No one can't stay mad at him for long. 14. 1. I wish he would realize that everyone thinks he has no life and nobody wants to be his friend. Downloading the Urban Dictionary app. © 1999-2023 Urban Dictionary ® ads; help; privacy; terms of service; dmca; accessibility statement; report a bug; information collection noticeA-Log. In other words, you can simultaneously open long and short positions with the same margin amount. This is a site I use to look up the latest slang terms in order to keep up with the times. If you know a guy is a fuckboy, dont fall for him . states. I want to build a simple app that will generate random words and their associated defintion from the urban dictionary api. e. On sites such as UrbanDictionary, the definitions for various names will be filled with self/circlejerking retards filling their own insecurities. Why does everyone think he's joking? we have to help him he's not joking. Danny's day was going well until he stepped in the dog-vom. (Citations have been removed to resolve Google's penalty against this. Now's your chance to add your own! Now's your chance to add your own! Please review Urban Dictionary's content guidelines before writing your definition. and this bot will tweet you the Urban Dictionary definition (if it's in there) free and open internet urbandictionary. instead of calling someone by their real name in the dmv you call the “moe” it’s a nickname you call anyoneif you looked this up, you've probably already seen the top definition from PintoBean2003. Finding a definition for your name is incredibly straightforward. 2. . 5 million Internet slang definitions. com. Laughter - most prominent with speakers of Brazilian Portuguese. Their real name. Knowing an offensive word's meaning can combat inequality and abuse. Person who lives or depends on the pleasure of orgasming multiple times a day, generally being a sad degenerate person. . Have we heard from him recently? Is he even still alive? Or are the secret overlords of the urban dictionary silencing us. You'll find more than 5,700 citations from TV shows, movies, news publications, and other sources. A metaphorical opiate inhaled when faced with loss, failure or defeat, especially in sports, politics and other tribal settings. what you would say if something was really good. Me : Bro you know UrbDic? Rick: You mean that site where everyone is talking about watermelon sugar and other stuffs Me : well they give some pretty fun translations too. It is basically a set of long underwear but the mormons beleive it protects them from evil. Urban Dictionary Content Guidelines. csv file with most of the urban dictionary words and then inject that into the api {word}. 2) When a guy ejaculates in a girl's mouth only to watch her spit it all back in his face. 15. More Buying Choices $1. OFFICIAL Urban Dictionary app! Urban Dictionary is the people-powered slang dictionary. 3: "Nigga stop perking we gotta go!"originated by. Then, you use that word in a conversation with the person you heard it from. omg kelly, don't you think david is a complete and total PAB? why would he ever disrespect hot girls by commenting on that. She can make your mood go to sad and lonely to happy. The Urban Dictionary is the website you are currently on. " One whose wife has had sexual relations with another man (in modern use, often with the husband's approval) has been cucked. "Blue Anon" is a term coined by conservatives attacking those who push "left-wing conspiracy theories. The process of hearing a word you don't know, then going on and searching it. as long as someone reads it and is a reasonable person im happy. An informal exclamation used by the English in place of 'ok'. The favourite word of over 99% of Among Us playersUrban Dictionary allows anyone to define a word, resulting in a constantly updated dictionary of English slang. Also can be said as spidermonkied, spidermonkey-like, or spidermonkeying. The button you just clicked to find this definition. 2) In loose terms: Photography or any form of imagery which features children in compromising positions or in positions which could be interpreted as sexual by the mind of the viewer. Kids say ( 44 ): The Urban Dictionary gets points for encouraging creativity, and some of the tamer terms are funny or feature earnest definitions. Especially common in online political slang. Urban Dictionary, now in its 20th year, is a digital repository that contains more than 8 million definitions and famously houses all manner of slang and cultural expressions. My attempt to make the site runners see this and put up a. " ex. Urban Dictionary. Once submitted, each definition entry is ranked by the user base and showcased in the order of popularity. Boost your YouTube video on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicksA sexually-transmitted, terminal disease. n. Like right now. Learn more. Definition of urban adjective in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. 1) Child Pornography . GET OUTTA HERE1. You’re so charming, handsome, brilliant, powerful, so well-endowed with a terrific little ass-you can have any girl you want. 3 out of 5 stars 371. Most heard in big cities. Getting it's name from walking to the 'Jiffy Mart' (a mostly. IAB Banners We offer a full line of display ads across our. 1. Words or phrases on Urban Dictionary may have multiple definitions and usage. Short for "Submissive. This restaurant kicks. 2. A mysterious word which is actually made up of the abbreviation “ur” and the word “ban. Not to be confused with: urbane – polished and elegant in manner or style; suave; cosmopolitan: He has a sophisticated, urbane way about him. (original definition) verb to throw a girl to the ground and tickle her until she pees (or pukes) This was practiced by fraternities in northeastern colleges during the 1940’s prior to the advent of the panty raid. @urbandictionary. At the start of 2014, the dictionary. If you get on her bad side, she will probably cut you off for a bit, but she can never ever. Frustrating AF but gets away with everything because she's hot AF. The loud and boisterous energy emitted by someone who has a colossal phallus and doesn't have to tell anyone about it. Insert Name is reading UrbanDictionary because it is the most intriguing activity that Insert Name could think of doing at the moment in his life. Too much drinking/drugs/smoking. A person with a lot of this acts very similar to a spidermonkey, in a good way. Anthony Logatto, the man who invented A-Logging. This tool is an online dictionary. A Guinea. Has anyone ever told you that you look like a complete moron with that rag top over your paled-out face? Yes, a. Something that renders you wanting to pour bleach into your eyes after reading, yet possesses an irresistible allure that. Derogatory term for a native man who goes to live on his wife's reserve. 3. Someone who is prone to A-Logging . Taking a stroll is a simple, organic, and inexpensive way to get that first date conversation flowing. The Brazilian equivalent of "haha". any man who dumps her is a complete idiot. If you can't find a word to describe something, chances are Urban Dictionary has it. "Visiting one or several museums can be a great first date," says Michelle Ngome, a speaker, author, and connection enthusiast. See more. Her family tend to call her Sandy (for short) Watermelon is her favorite fruit. urban definition: 1. A munch is someone who’s only use is eating pussy without getting anything in return. We bring you more than 24,000 real definitions for over 17,000 slang words and phrases. . Pretty Amazing Buddy. has way to many defintions of s*x, drugs and other innapropiate stuff, idont even THINK that you can call this an actual dictionary. A whip has simply come to represent a car. Learn more. Their name then becomes “Felicia”, a random bitch that nobody is sad to see go. . (Ex. The opposite of trendy. I've been. However, as time passed by, people started using this term recklessly, assigning this term to themselves or someone. comのパロディサイトとして開設した俗語や慣用句のクラウドソーシング オンライン辞書サイトである。 2014年開始時点で700万以上が登録され、毎日2,000語が追加されている。Urban Dictionary is described as *'Web-based dictionary of slang words and phrases. She hangs out with only a few people she's comfortable with. You are reading this definition of The Urban. Not recommended for use in front of the mother-in-law. If so, why? If you're voting, let this word in, please. A term to express a financial decision that resulted in financial gain. she's unforgettable and the coolest girl you'll ever meet. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. The niceness carries over through life. of or in a city or town: . X can also mean but is not limited to the following: 2) The Roman numeral for Ten (10) 3) A variable, often seen in mathematics disciplines. Vehicle. Synonymous with "cuckolded. can be used when describing when someone has wronged another person. A 304 spells hoe on a calculator when typed in and flipped upside down. Sex Party The #1 answer to all the questions. com but has since become an important resource on the Web. • Perform unlimited searches for free, forever. To use highlight a word or phrase you would like to search for and right click to open the chrome context. 1. A boy who plays with girls feelings and doesn't really like them and would do say anything a girl wants to hear to have sex with them or to get something they want. Urban Dictionary is a place where you can be as stupid or vulgar as you want. She’s really humorous . Spanking. of or in a city or town: 2. The simple definition for loli is young girl. Choosing Urban Dictionary's Word of the Day. Some of the definitions on the website can be found as early as 1999, but most early definitions are from 2003. When she loves you she loves you with everything she has. Step 2: Connect and Test the Urban Dictionary API. 1. When referring to somebody as a chad, they are likely a white-male with an abnormally large ego, commonly in their teens or early twenties. age 13+. ”. i dont care if this isnt added. A Wop. Anthony Logatto, the man who invented A-Logging. The feeling of lucidity a man gets after he has been beating it--this feeling gets worse with the weirder shit a man has been jerking off toboy pussy the asshole of a male. This means "why" for those lazy asses who can't type 3 letters, so instead they type one. But lucky for you, the brave contributors of Urban Dictionary are not normal. Boost your Instagram post on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicksTeachers can use the Urban Dictionary to understand what their students are saying in the classroom. Also extremely derogotiveThe meaning of URBAN is of, relating to, characteristic of, or constituting a city. " ex. We sling slang. • Vote for definitions. 158K Followers, 2 Following, 1,453 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Urban Dictionary (@urbandictionary)Urban Dictionary(アーバン ディクショナリー)は、1999年に当時大学新入生Aaron PeckhamがDictionary. This page is called the "SCN" Urban Dictionary, the successor to SDN and the predecessor to the current SAP Community. Caution: still extremely offensive when used as an epithet. Written sex, like in fanfictions. The energy speaks for itself. Anybody can post a definition, but in order to keep things fun for everyone, we ask that you follow a few ground rules: . February 5, 2021.